Friday, March 25, 2016

Please explain how to ejaculate faster

I need to know some tips about ejaculation and should know how to ejaculate faster. I feel like- it takes more time for me to ejaculate. What is the correct technique to ejaculate earlier? Please help with the appropriate answer.

Expert: Dr. John Monheit 

As everyone knows, ejaculation and orgasm are the ultimate aim of any sexual intercourse or masturbation. When you want to ejaculate at a faster rate, you can practice masturbation. Use any kind of lubricant which is water or oil based. With this, keep squeezing your butt muscle. Try to keep stimulating your penis at the head at the maximum rate you can. This will definitely help you ejaculating earlier. On the other hand, you can try out a simple step which is to extend your foreplay timing. Share some dirty words with your partner. This will stimulate you more. Touching and talking such words will increase your desire for orgasm and ejaculate. This will help you both in the sexual intercourse or the oral sex you have with your partner. These two are the simple steps which can help you out.
Another tips you can try Prostate massage, it is a new world for most men.
Prostate massage and sexual instruction isn’t something men generally talk about over beer. Let’s face it! It’s been a bit of a taboo topic. Thank goodness that is changing.
Hey, if you thought prostate massage was a gay men's thing, you'd be missing out on a fantastic health benefit, and, if desired, an amazing and exceptionally powerful orgasm known as a prostate orgasm. Learn more at

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